Trilogy “Healing with Life Force”

Volume 1 + 2 + 3


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Teachings and techniques of Paramhansa Yogananda

The power of Healing is the property of every individual soul. Paramhansa Yogananda’s Autobiography of a Yogi helped launch and continues to guide a global spiritual revolution. Now, for the first time, his remarkable healing methods are available for all who seek to awaken within themselves the limitless power of Life Force.

«The power of Healing is the property of every individual soul». Paramhansa Yogananda

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A Life Force trilogy to guide you on your healing journey

VOLUME ONE: PRANA “Life energy is the real and direct healer of all diseases.” Tap into the inexhaustible source of Life Force to establish perfect harmony between soul, mind, and body.

VOLUME TWO: MIND “All disease has its roots in the mind.” Learn to use the superpowers of the conscious, subconscious, and superconscious dimensions of the mind to overcome past karma.

VOLUME THREE: MAGNETISM Use the laws of cosmic vibration to achieve healthy relationships, improve economic circumstances, and protect yourself from harmful influences.

VALUE ADDED Exclusive access to online Appendices — with a treasure trove of unpublished articles by Yogananda and Kriyananda (many available for the first time), video instruction guides by the author, and more.

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Shivani Lucki

Shivani Lucki

Shivani Lucki è un membro fondatore delle comunità Ananda e si è guadagnata una reputazione mondiale come una delle più importanti insegnanti di meditazione, in particolare di Kriya Yoga, e delle tecniche di autoguarigione di Yogananda. Ha fondato la Scuola di Autoguarigione Life Therapy, la Scuola di Ananda Raja Yoga e ha co-fondato la Yogananda Academy of Europe. Nel 2005 è stata nominata Kriyacharya e autorizzata a dare l'iniziazione al Kriya Yoga. Viaggia regolarmente in Europa, India e America, tenendo conferenze e seminari di successo sulla realizzazione del Sé e sul Kriya Yoga. È produttrice esecutiva del film Finding Happiness, uscito nel 2014. Life Force. Guarire con la forza vitale è il suo primo libro in cui ha condensato in modo magistrale l'esperienza e gli insegnamenti di una vita.

Informazioni aggiuntive


Nayaswami Shivani Lucki


9788833320892, 9788833320915, 9788833320939



Data di pubblicazione

gennaio 2024

SKU: AE172+173+174


Part I: In the Beginning

Chapter One: The Origin Story

Chapter Two: Parallel Universes

Chapter Three: The Day of Brahma

Chapter Four: Human Evolution

Chapter Five: Ego Transformation

Chapter Six: Signs of Wellness and Symptoms of disease

Chapter Seven: What About Karma?

Chapter Eight: Points to Remember

Part II: Meditation Therapy

Chapter One: Self-Realization

Chapter Two: Health Benefits

Chapter Three: Meditation Metaphysics

Chapter Four: The Meditation Journey

Chapter Five: Concentration

Chapter Six: Meditation Experiences

Chapter Seven: Self-Healing in Meditation

Chapter Eight: Kriya Meditation

Chapter Nine: Sage Advice

Chapter Ten: Points to Remember

Part III: Life Force Heals

Chapter One: The Age of Energy

Chapter Two: The Prana Diet

Chapter Three: Prana, the Spine and the Chakras

Chapter Four: Willpower

Part IV: Energize!

Chapter One: Take Charge of Your Health

Chapter Two: Life Force Energization Exercises

Chapter Three: More Life Force Exercises

Part V: Lifestyle

Chapter One: Your Pranic Diet

Chapter Two: Exercise

Chapter Three: Detox


Part VI: The Healing Powers of the Mind

Chapter One: We Are What We Think

Chapter Two: Your Mental Diet

Chapter Three: Superpowers of the Conscious Mind

Chapter Four: The Subterranean Subconscious

Chapter Five: Superconscious Intuition

Part VII: Habits

Chapter One: Habits—Friends of Foes?

Chapter Two: How Habits Are Created

Chapter Three: Discovering Your Habit Allies and Enemies

Chapter Four: Eliminating Bad Habits

Chapter Five: Habit Exchange

Chapter Six: Superconscious Solutions

Part VIII: Scientific Healing Affirmations

Chapter One: The Truth Shall Make You Free

Chapter Two: Choose Your Affirmation

Chapter Three: Affirmation Ingredients

Chapter Four: Scientific Affirmation Techniques

Chapter Five: Affirmation in Motion and Music

Part IX: Divine Intervention

Chapter One: Who Is Listening?

Chapter Two: Who Is Asking?

Chapter Three: Scientific Healing Prayer Demand

Chapter Four: Inner Guidance

Chapter Five: Channeling Healing Energy to Others


Part X: Healthy Relationships

Chapter One: The Relationships Challenge

Chapter Two: Friendship

Chapter Three: Characteristics of Healthy and Unhealthy


Chapter Four: Soulmates

Chapter Five: Advice for Committed Couples

Chapter Six: How Healthy are Your Relationships?

Chapter Seven: Dissolution: Separation and Divorce

Chapter Eight: Loss and Love Eternal

Chapter Nine: Points to Remember

Part XI: Prosperity and Success

Chapter One: Why Seek Prosperity?

Chapter Two: Poverty or Prosperity?

Chapter Three: The Law of Magnetism

Chapter Four: Money Magnetism

Chapter Five: Tithing Magic

Chapter Six: Secrets of Success

Part XII: – Vibratory Healing

Chapter One: The Vibratory Universe

Chapter Two: The Gunas

Chapter Three: Mantra

Chapter Four: The Sound of Music

Chapter Five: Songs of the Soul

Chapter Six: Nature Therapy

Chapter Seven: Colors Communicate

Chapter Eight: Healing Habitats

Chapter Nine: Pilgrimage: Sacred Shrines and Saintly Souls

Chapter Ten: Ceremonies

Chapter Eleven: Protection

Chapter Twelve: Points to Remember

Epilogue: Transition and Transcendence

Chapter One: Overcoming the Fear of Death

Chapter Two: Give up, or Fight?

Chapter Three: Letting Go

Chapter Four: Helping a Dying Friend

4 recensioni per Trilogy “Healing with Life Force”

  1. Padma Shri D. R. Kaarthikeyan, Former Director CBI and Director General of the National Human Rights Commission

    «Life Force is a compendium of all that one needs to know about self-healing, written by a respected teacher who has been practicing and sharing the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda for fifty years».

  2. Dr. Vandana Jaisingh, osteopath, physical therapist

    «Each chapter of Life Force defines a bold new paradigm of self-healing, in synergy with modern-day understanding of the power of the Self».

  3. Asha Nayaswami, renowned author and speaker

    «Shivani for decades has studied, practiced and given heart and soul to mastering the principles and techniques taught by Yogananda. The fruit of her unremitting efforts is this extraordinary and unprecedented collection of teachings. It is not merely an intellectual compendium, but the Truth explored, experienced and shared by one who knows. A gift for the ages».

  4. Rita and Roberto, Clayton, California

    «Dear Shivani,
    My husband and I have been reading your book, Healing with Life Force, and we wanted to let you know how much we are enjoying it. Thank you for the immense amount of work you put into creating this wonderful and inspiring book. We look forward reading the other two books when they are available.

    As we read this great book, we feel uplifted, strengthened and encouraged. You lovingly recapitulated our teachings; the stories you have incorporated bring encouragement and hope. Through this book Yogananda is showing us his love and guidance.

    We have been on this spiritual path for a number of years; therefore, many of the teachings are not new to us. However, your presentation has been such a refreshing way to bring to life and rejuvenate what we have been practicing all these years. Thank you for your love and dedication in creating this beautiful and inspiring work.
    In Divine Friendship».

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