Kriya Yoga – English Edition


21,00  19,95 


Acquista questo prodotto e ottieni 19 Punti Gratitudine - per un valore di 0,19 
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: The Kriya Yoga Masters
  • Chapter 2: Kriya Yoga For Self-Realization
  • Chapter 3: The Kriya Yoga History
  • Chapter 4: Kriya Yoga: The Airplane Route
  • Chapter 5: The Higher Kriyas
  • Chapter 6: How to Receive Kriya Initiation
  • Chapter 7: Discipleship
  • Chapter 8: Asana As Kriya Preparation – A 6 Month Workshop
  • Chapter 9: Kriya as a Way Of Life – A 6 Month Workshop
  • Appendix: Badrinath: The Ancient Seat of Kriya Yoga
Jayadev Jaerschky

Jayadev Jaerschky

Jayadev Jaerschky pratica lo yoga e la meditazione da oltre trent'anni seguendo la tradizione del Kriya Yoga di Paramhansa Yogananda, attraverso il suo discepolo diretto Swami Kriyananda. Dal 1989 vive e insegna nel centro Ananda nei pressi di Assisi, dove è direttore della Scuola Europea di Ananda Yoga e presidente della nostra casa editrice Ananda Edizioni. È autore di numerosi libri di successo sullo yoga e la meditazione: Vivere Patanjali, La meditazione di Yogananda; Il quaderno dei passi felici, con la moglie Sahaja Mascia Ellero: Uno yoga al giorno (con 2 DVD), Esercizi di felicità con la giornalista Giulia Shraddha CalligaroVivere l’Autobiografia di uno Yogi, Yogoda, Esercizi di mindfulness yogica, Lo yoga di Yogananda; Risveglia i chakra; Kriya Yoga; Yoga che ti passa. Liberi dal mal di schiena, con Devika Camedda; Yoga come preghiera; Gli esercizi di ricarica di Paramhansa Yogananda; Respira che ti passa! ; L’Eterno Presente; i tre titoli della collana Yoga Therapy (Vincere lo stress, Vincere l’insonnia, Vincere il mal di schiena). Ha anche curato l'edizione delle raccolte Aforismi per la vita, Come un raggio di luce e 108 palpiti d'amore. Canta con passione, suona la chitarra e ha pubblicato diversi CD musicali: Canti Cosmici Rari di Yogananda; Love God; L’Eterno Presente; OM; Apri il chakra del cuore; Fai volare la tua anima. Jayadev tiene regolarmente seminari in varie parti d’Italia e d’Europa; ha insegnato in India, Egitto, Russia, Ucraina e negli Stati Uniti. Ogni anno guida un pellegrinaggio in India, nei luoghi sacri dell’Himalaya. Nel 2014 Jayadev è stato nominato Kriyacharya, cioè autorizzato a impartire la sacra iniziazione al Kriya Yoga.

6 recensioni per Kriya Yoga – English Edition

  1. Nayaswami Dhyana, Kriyacharya, director of the Ananda Kriya Ministry in India, spiritual director of Ananda Gurgaon

    “This beautiful book will be a great help to kriyabans and those aspiring to kriya yoga initiation. It is filled with many inspiring examples, enlightening stories and devotional prayers which will aid in one›s search for truth through this sacred practice.”

  2. Wanda Vanni, President, Mediterranean Yoga Federation

    “This text on Kriya Yoga is a new pearl of wisdom and understanding for all who want to rigorously follow the path of yoga and spirituality. It is based on the tradition of Kriya Yoga from the lineage of Lahiri Mahasaya, Babaji and Paramhansa Yogananda, and follows the ancient teachings of Kriya Yoga and the fundamental principles of its techniques, presenting the multifaceted nature of an extraordinary teaching. It contains a detailed presentation of Kriya Yoga and transmits the ancient power, depth, authority and philosophy through numerous chapters which develop the various themes, always with reference, in love and devotion, to the great masters Sri Yukteswar, Swami Yogananda and Swami Kriyananda. I believe that this text will be a invaluable contribution for all practitioners of yoga and I thank dear Jayadev for this important testimonial of his path.”

  3. Nayaswami Kirtani Stickney, Kriyacharya, spiritual director of the Ananda Assisi community

    “This book is unique in its completeness. Short of actually explaining the Kriya technique, which should be given in an initiation, the author has compiled an inspirational and practical exposition of Kriya for those who:

    – have read the Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda, and are simply curious about why Yogananda called Kriya the “airplane path to God”
    – want to know what Kriya is
    – wish to prepare themselves for Kriya initiation
    – are spiritual truth seekers
    This book is a “must read” for any spiritual aspirant!”

  4. Mata Devi Vanamali, Vanamali Ashram, Rishikesh, author of The Play of God and other books

    “Sri Jayadev is really a bright star on the firmament of the Ananda community in Assisi. He is truly the mind-born disciple of Sri Paramahamsa Yogananda and Sri Kriyanandji. Lovers of the Kriya Yoga tradition will be delighted by this inspiring book on Kriya and those to whom Kriya Yoga is a new technique will find in these pages a moving account of one of the oldest traditions in India. Jayadev has rightly understood the need of the age and written the book in such a way that even a novice would be delighted and touched by his rendering of this ancient technique. May he be blessed by all the gurus of the tradition.”

  5. Nayaswami Anand Stickney, Kriyacharya, co-director of the Ananda Spiritual Community in Assisi

    “Kriya Yogis teach that the mind cannot be completely calm if the energy continues to go down the spine toward the senses. Jayadev correctly explained these truths in this inspiring and comprehensive book on Kriya Yoga. A must read.”

  6. Nayaswami Devarshi, Kriyacharya, director of the Kriya Ministry at Ananda Village

    “Jayadev has written a beautiful and inspiring book about the sacred path of Kriya Yoga. Paramhansa Yogananda gave just a short description of Kriya in his Autobiography of a Yogi. There is also a great deal of confusion about the technique of Kriya, how it is given and why. This book adds to what Yogananda wrote and helps to clarify what Kriya Yoga really is: a comprehensive spiritual path with the power to bring one to the greatest spiritual heights. The reader will also learn some little known stories and spiritual lore about the history of Kriya, along with a clear understanding of the spiritual science that underlies the path of Kriya. Kriya Yoga is a science, which means that it must be learned and practiced correctly in order to get results. It is the spiritual practice that was brought especially for these complex modern times, and this book will inspire many to make Kriya a part of their life.”

Aggiungi una recensione


A Manual to inner Freedom. Based on the Teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda

Kriya Yoga is an ancient and powerful technique of liberation, transformation and illumination. It has been taught over the centuries by the greatest yogis and was introduced in the West in our time by the great master Paramhansa Yogananda, who described it in his Autobiography of a Yogi as “the airplane route” and “the easiest, most effective and most scientific way to approach the Infinite”.

This book presents the many facets of Kriya Yoga in a complete and accessible way for the first time: from its history to its philosophy, to the subtleties of the practice to how to prepare for initiation.

It is an invaluable text for all those who wish to learn or to deepen their understanding of this ancient science, kept secret for so long. And not only that, it is a treasure trove of practical tools and techniques for all who wish to delve into the wonderful adventure of the inner journey!

This book offers you a chance to board the airplane of Kriya Yoga and fly straight to the eternal beauty of your own Self. Never before has the ancient liberating science of Kriya Yoga, long kept secret throughout the course of history, been presented so completely, deeply and yet accessibly.

Discover the ancient airplane route to freedom

In these pages you will find:

  • The history of Kriya Yoga
  • Illuminating explanations on the philosophy and benefits of Kriya
  • Guided meditations, affirmations and prayers of Yogananda
  • Reflections and insights by Swami Kriyananda
  • Guidelines for a yogic life
  • Helpful suggestions for Hatha Yogis

Informazioni aggiuntive


Jayadev Jaerschky


Ananda Edizioni





Data di pubblicazione




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