
The Meditation of Yogananda – eBook – English Edition

A Practical Handbook for Finding Yourself... and the Joy you are Seek


The Meditation of Yogananda – eBook – English Edition

A Practical Handbook for Finding Yourself... and the Joy you are Seek

Autore: Jayadev Jaerschky


Pages: 280 ISBN: 9788833320922 Availability: Instant download Format: epub + mobi


The Hong-Sau Technique for reaching deeper levels

Based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda
Advanced and Techniques – Daily Practice – Expert Guidance

This is a unique compendium of Paramhansa Yogananda’s teachings on meditation, an absolute treasure that will remain a milestone for all spiritual seekers, both beginners and advanced.
The book presents the ancient Hong-Sau meditation technique, brought to the West by Yogananda and taught by his direct disciple Swami Kriyananda. The book is divided into three parts.

  • The first describes the basic technique for everyone and teaches how to practice it with success.
  • The second helps deepen meditation in seven weeks, learning how to practice yogic attitudes during daily life.
  • The third is devoted to achieving the highest goal: Self-realization.

With downloadable meditations online!

Table of Contents

Author: Jayadev Jaerschky

Jayadev Jaerschky was born in Germany. His inner search began during his adolescence, and in 1989, after a pilgrimage to India, he made the decision to join the Ananda center near Assisi and follow the tradition of Paramhansa Yogananda’s Kriya Yoga through his direct disciple Swami Kriyananda. In 1991, he received Kriya Yoga initiation from Swami Kriyananda, who encouraged him both to teach and to write books. Each year Jayadev gives seminars in many parts of Italy and Europe.

In 2007 he founded the European School of Ananda Yoga, of which he is the director, and where he teaches courses throughout the year, training new teachers of Ananda Yoga, a style of Hatha Yoga based on the teachings of Kriya Yoga.

Jayadev is the author of several books on yoga and devotional CDs.

Jayadev leads a yearly pilgrimage to India’s sacred sites in the Himalayas.

In 2014 Jayadev was appointed a Kriyacharya, which means he is authorized to give the sacred initiation into Kriya Yoga.

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Jayadev Jaerschky






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